SMA has an established record for carrying out detailed multi-modal modelling of a wide range of transport systems, from individual roads and junctions through to complex networks comprising many miles of road. Results of SMA’s modelling have been used to optimise capacity and recommend improvements to roads and junctions throughout the country.
We continue to develop our transport modelling capabilities and are able to offer our clients comprehensive modelling services, which includes the following transport modelling software tools:
S-Paramics | Micro-simulation (unlimited licence) | |
PC-MOVA | Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation – traffic signal control | |
TRANSYT | TRAffic Network StudY Tool – co-ordinated traffic signal control for junctions and networks | |
Linsig | Traffic signal junction modelling | |
ARCADY | Assessment of Roundabout Capacity And DelaY | |
PICADY | Priority Intersection CApacity and DelaY | |
TRICS | Trip Rate Information Computer System – Database of multi-modal trip rates | |
TEMPRO | Trip End Model Presentation Programme – forecast trip data for future years |
If you would like to discuss any potential sites with us, please call us on 01635 867 711. Alternatively you can complete the quick enquiry form and one of our team will be in touch with you.
Our experienced and qualified staff bring commercial awareness and a proactive approach to all commissions, which range from small scale sites to large urban extensions, strategic development and multi-million pound projects.
Whether you require an initial high-level appraisal, completion of technical reports to accompany a Planning Application or detailed design post consent, SMA have the capabilities to do it all.
Two Consents in Wales and Reserved Matters Approval