SMA’s Transport and Environment teams are pleased to have assisted McMurdo Land Planning & Development (Agent and Planning Consultant) in securing Outline Planning Consent (Ref: 19/1798/MOUT) from East Devon District Council for Applicant, Stuart Partners Limited.
The site, situated near Rockbeare, is located within the Cranbrook Plan area and will contribute 180 new homes to the expanded new community.
After extensive research and submission of detailed hydraulic and transport modelling and technical reports, Devon County Council as both the local highway authority and lead local flood authority approved the outline designs prepared by SMA for the access and s278 works and the SuDS and flood alleviation measures.
Developing the access proposals SMA liaised closely with Simon Major, of Major Trees limited, to ensure adequate measures were included to safeguard trees and root protection areas. Construction details included the use of Cellweb (synthetic textiles) to minimise the impact of road construction. LHC design led on the urban planning and public open space requirements.
Our experienced and qualified staff bring commercial awareness and a proactive approach to all commissions, which range from small scale sites to large urban extensions, strategic development and multi-million pound projects.
Whether you require an initial high-level appraisal, completion of technical reports to accompany a Planning Application or detailed design post consent, SMA have the capabilities to do it all.
Two Consents in Wales and Reserved Matters Approval