Blog - July 2019 Update

Travel Planning 

As part of SMA’s ongoing implementation of various Travel Plans for our Clients, our Travel Planning team have been enjoying the summer weather and engaging with residents as they implement numerous measures across a number of sites. This has included distribution of Residents Travel Packs to new occupants, completion of Household Travel Questionnaires and Annual Monitoring Reports for submission to Council’s.

Our Travel Plan commitments now extend to more than 9,500 dwellings across 14 different Counties. If you have any requirements for Travel Plans to be implemented, either as a Planning Condition or Section 106 obligation, please contact our experienced Travel Planning team (

Ribbans Park, Ipswich

Ready to Go!

Stuart Michael Associates are delighted to see that new School buildings have now been completed at two sites in Slough. Alongside Architects Re-Format, SMA assisted with the preparation of a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan for each site, which included assessments of the proposed pupil/staff increases, parking allocation and access for all modes.

Wexham School, Slough
Westgate School, Slough

How our expertise
can help you

At SMA, we have extensive experience in providing transportation, environmental, infrastructure and civils design services to a range of Clients.

Our experienced and qualified staff bring commercial awareness and a proactive approach to all commissions, which range from small scale sites to large urban extensions, strategic development and multi-million pound projects.

Whether you require an initial high-level appraisal, completion of technical reports to accompany a Planning Application or detailed design post consent, SMA have the capabilities to do it all.

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